
Wednesday 6 November 2013

Text to Wold Connection

A text to world connection I found while reading was when August, one of the main characters displayed aggression towards the elephant Rosie. While reading this part in the book it got me thinking about how there may be many situations related to this one that occur out in the real world. I honestly didn't want to search animal cruelty within circuses because reading about it puts me in a depressed mood, but I did look it up. I came across a website (last chance for animals) that talked about training and how elephants are beaten until they give in. How the animals in circuses are unhealthy and depressed. August, the terrible man in the novel abuses the poor elephant until she gives in. It's all for the crowd he says. the novel describes how the animals live behind bars at all times and have to live without teeth. The website states exactly the same thing. Teeth are knocked out to prevent biting and cages are used for housing and traveling. While reading the book and the website I just couldn't believe how humans could be this cruel. Both describe how people are against circuses but no one is doing anything.
Danielle Robak

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