
Monday 18 November 2013

A monkey lands on the moon-writing Prompt

 My story
The thought of being a short and hairy creature crossed my mind when I woke up this morning. As I climbed out of bed  I developed the chills and could only think about my dream. A strange dream that I couldn't piece together. I jumped back into bed to recapture the warmth of my soft flannel bed sheets. I covered my iced body with the warm sheets, connected to my bed trying to recollect the events and the meaning of my dream. A rough haired animal, a monkey. Ok so I dreamed I was a monkey but why was I on the moon? The cream coloured sphere located in dark space. Hmm. I was sent there! That's write. My little monkey body was sent there to find something. It's all coming back now. So I was sent there, sent to the moon. A place that is so quiet but yet so loud. My hairy paws stuck to the surface like glue as I sprang out of the spaceship. Hands pressed so hard up against my side I swear I have bruises. I don't think I am able to describe the smell. Maybe a sweet, heavy smell. Damp and musty like. That's all I remember. I don't remember what I was trying to locate either, it'll come back to me later today. Anyways, the stars were enormous! Shimmering white like crystals just floating in mid air. Far away in the distance of course but looked as though i could reach out and grab them. The cold breeze hit me again as I sit here on my bed, summarizing my dream. I remembered the atmosphere around the moon being dark and scary. I was so alone and didn't know what to think. My dream felt so real. I have no idea what I was there for. My twisted thoughts of how I ended up here in my bed, human. 

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