
Wednesday 20 November 2013


1. Why did you select this passage? Why did it appeal to you? 
I selected this passage because I thought it demonstrated exactly what was asked. As I read this paragraph I could see the food and feel what Jacob (the character) was feeling. It appealed to me because the imagery was clear and easy to pick out. 
2. What type of imagery is most common in the passage?
Visual imagery is most common in the passage I chose. Many line create a clear picture for the reader. 
3.what is the best snippet of imagery within this passage? Why is it so effective? 
The best snippet of imagery in this passage is kinrsthetic imagery. The line that reads,"I want something I can sink my teeth into, something that crunches." It was the most effective because as a reader I could easily feel my teeth sinking into food and biting into something crunchy as I read this line.
4. Is the imagery positive or negative? How do you know? Give some words as examples to support this. 
The imagery is negative. It is negative because he is describing how bad and gross the good is. "Dragging the fork through the gravy covered heap." This is a good example because it made me picture the gravy as hard clumpy mush. The word glops makes me also see clumpy and thick gravy. 
5. What mood/emotion is being created by the author? How do you know? 
I believe the author may be trying to make the reader feel sorry for the character Jacob. Trying to put the reader in his shoes and be disgusted by the food. I know this because Jacob is mad and disgusted that he doesn't get anything better than clumped gravy. 
6. What is the purpose of this piece of imagery? 
The purpose of this imagery is to create a picture for the reader. Be able to feel what Old feels like and what Jacob is going through. 

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