
Tuesday 3 December 2013

Practicing Dialogue
I stand there furious while watching these two princesses fight. What could Lottie and Jasmine possibly be arguing about now? If only I was close enough to actually hear what's going on. They slowly walk down the stairs and stop. I am now two feet away while they disagree. Blah blah blah.

 " I don't have time for your nonsense," implies Lottie.

 What nonsense? Man,  I wish I was able to piece this story together!

 “ To much going on in this married life of mine,” adds Lottie.

 Ok, that is true, she is very busy.  I cross my legs and turn away so they don’t realize I’m eavesdropping.

 “ha! Ya right, I’m the one that has no time,” shouts Jasmine as she crosses her arms with a disgusted look on her face.

“Ok ok whatever you say Jasmine. You go and carry on with what you were doing, “replies Lottie. “Besides I don’t really care if you have time or not.”

 They both look at me. Shit! They know I have been listening. Act normal act normal. They look back at each other and continue. Oh thank god, I would have been pulled into this conversation if they realized I was listening.

 “Don’t be mad Lottie, you have no idea what’s going on,” adds Jasmine.

 “Fine!” yells Lottie. “Ill go ask someone else for help.”

 Oh boy, please don’t ask me for help.

 “Fine be mad!” replies Jasmine.

 Lottie turns her back towards Jasmine and starts walking. She stops and says, “I will, whatever Jasmine.”

 “ I don’t care,” pouts Jasmine.

 They both turn and go separate ways. Wow I thought to myself, they are very upset. Why did I just listen to that? It was pointless. But what was it about? I think I should go and find out.  Nah, I’ll sit in my seat and drink my tea as I question their argument.

-          Dialogue

-          Non verbal

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